
Hematology lab testing examines blood samples for indications of infection, disease, or other potential health issues, as well as nutritional deficiencies and vitamin levels.


These tests scan a small amount of blood from a patient to detect these problems in mere days or even hours, helping providers create a prompt plan of care.

Hematology labs may test for:

Red and white blood cell count

Measuring blood cells, either as a full panel or individually, is a common hematology test. Red blood cell levels can indicate the presence of cancer, bone marrow issues, or infection, as well as certain nutritional deficiencies. White blood cell counts show the body’s immune response as well as possible infection and nutrients.


Comparing platelet counts and other elements such as plasma can offer insights into the presence of blood clots, infections, or blood cancer.


Hemoglobin tests are conducted to detect hidden diseases leading to issues like chronic dehydration. These can include organ failure, heart disease, and other issues.

Nutritional deficiencies

Blood panels can show nutritional deficiencies such as anemia or low vitamin B12 levels. Low levels of these nutrients can cause serious long-term health issues.

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