
Immunohematology tests review blood samples to ensure compatibility for blood donation. These tests are vital to the outcome of many health needs, from pregnancy with Rh incompatibility to patients with rare blood disorders.


Immunohematology includes a vast array of tests, which in turn have a vast number of uses. Antigen-antibody compatibility is vital for the success of blood transfusions, but that is far from the only use for these test panels!

Immunohematology testing also includes:

Rh incompatibility during pregnancy

men who are Rh negative have an increased risk of miscarriage or stillbirth. A simple blood test can indicate Rh incompatibility to ensure the mother receives a rhogam shot both before and after delivery.

Blood type testing

Matching blood donations and recipients for the purposes of transfusions.


Crossmatching is another type of blood type testing, in which blood samples from potential donors and recipients are mixed to determine compatibility

Genetic testing

Some blood tests are done for the purposes of genetic testing to find out if there is a family risk of a genetic issue or disease

Diagnostic testing

Blood tests are used to diagnose and form a care plan for certain hemolytic conditions such as sickle cell anemia.

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